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VibScanner 2 EX: an explosion-proof tool for vibration monitoring



Fluke Reliability, a world leader in vibrationmeasurement, is proud to announce Pruftechnik’s VibScanner 2 EX. This next-generation vibration scanner is an explosion-proof system for quickly detecting machine vibration in hazardous environments.

At the push of a button, VibScanner 2 EX collects machine health data and displays it using an intuitive graphical user interface. The VibScanner 2 EX builds on the legacy of the VibScanner 2, which set the benchmark for fast and accurate measurements of machine, gear, and bearing issues.

In just a quarter of the time of a standard data-collector, the VibScanner 2 EX precisely measures vibration in three axes. Created by Pruftechnik, a Fluke Reliability company, the VibScanner 2 EX uses an integrated RFID reader combined with VIBCODE technology to help maintenance teams collect repeatable and error-free measurements.

The VibScanner 2 EX requires just one measurement point to start collecting machine data.

The triaxial sensor’s rugged magnetic fits perfectly on the housing of any motor, pump, fan, or other rotating devices, detecting vibration right near the source.

“Potentially hazardous environments are often where maintenance teams need vibration monitoring the most,” said Tyler Evans, director of product managementfor Fluke Reliability. “We created the VibScanner 2 EX to help solve for this need in route-based maintenance jobs where explosion protection standards are required.”

The VibScanner 2 EX’s key benefits:

Quick, accurate measurements — The VibScanner 2 EX system delivers vibration

measurements up to four times faster than the industry standard.

Easy to use — Users get a highly intuitive user interface to collect machine

vibration data at the push of a button.

Explosion-proof — The VibScanner 2 EX is certified for safe use in explosive environments.

For more information on the VibScanner 2 EX, visit

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