Organized in during Hannover Messe by the European committee for Power transmission (EUROTRANS) and the European committee for fluid power(CETOP), the first International motion and drives...
The EUROTRANS announced the reelection of Mr. Haffar Salim as president of their organization during the International Drive Conference that took place online the 17th November....
With thousands of companies, more than 160.000 people and hundreds of research centers, Europe remain the world leader in the power transmission sector. As a non-profit...
Starting from 28 of September and spread over 3 weeks, the Eurotrans Gears Training on Production Technology will be held in an online format*. This is a specialised...
The new Regulation (EU) 2019/1781 laying down ecodesign requirements for electric motors and variable speed drives was published in the Official Journal (L 272) of the...
On 4 February 2021, the EUROTRANS Board met online via video-conference for their traditional first quarter Board Meeting, presided by Salim Haffar, I-MAK Gearboxes and Drives,...
As a federation, the EUROTRANS support the interests and represent the European power transmission industry with more than 160.000 people and 600 companies active in our...
The European power transmission engineering industry met at its first online meeting for its Annual Meeting of the European Power Transmission Sector Committee EUROTRANS on 29...
We are very proud to announce that I-MAK represented Turkey and the MIB (Association of Turkish Machines Manufacturers) in the 2019 Eurotrans board meeting. Mr Salim...